Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lunch lady.

Today was good. Until parent teacher conference rolled around and the truth was revealed about my grades. My grades would make a grown man cry. They are awful. But, I am determined to get them up. The lunch lady failed to mention that I only had twenty five cents left in my account until today. So I made due with what I had. Two Starbursts, a half eaten sucker, and the drinking fountain to supply me with endless water. Get your head in the game lunch lady! At the same time I have to feel bad for the woman. I mean, she probably didn't want to end up with this profession. Yet, she ended up having to serve lunch to hormonal sassy teenagers. I would probably go crazy. She probably has kids at home, and maybe a pet bird. You never know. Next time you get lunch be sure to sincerely thank her for what she does. I went to BYU to wait for my mother. I sat in this odd boring cubicle with some other girl. There was nothing but a stream of awkwardness between us. I was glad to get out of there. I do hope you have a dashing Wednesday! Congratulations you made it through the lump of the week!

Peace and Blessings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's official. I am going to raise a Guide Dog for my eagle project. I talked to my leader and he said I would have to incorporate other things so I'm thinking of talking at schools and raising awareness. I am so ready to welcome my new best friend into my life. If you want to read about it go HERE. Please, be excited with me.

Peace and Blessings.

Monday, February 14, 2011


If you are here because you noticed the article in the school newspaper, welcome. If you think the school newspaper is lame, go read it! Because I am in it.

No big deal. I'm famous.

Valentines Day is really just another day to me. If I had to pick my favorite part of the day, it would have to be when I got starbursts and gum.

I am like a little kid. I get excited over the littlest things in life. I like to find humor in the little stuff as well. Like for instance one time I saw a grandma licking an ice cream cone. You may not find it funny, but for some reason this grandma licking her ice cream cone sent me in a hysteria of laughter. Try it, find something that you don't think is funny, and make it funny. It's easier than you think. It makes life more enjoyable. Have a Wonderful Monday night.

Peace and Blessings. (I'm an awkward person, deal with it.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I will be famous one day. I have already convinced myself. I'm not trying to brag or anything. That is just the goal I have set for myself. When I set a goal, I fight till that goal is reached. But, It's what I will do when I am famous. I want to change how people see fame, change it for the better.

Peace and Blessings.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's over.

Tonight was the last night of Phantom of the Opera. It was a very strong bitter sweet moment for me. I am so happy that I got to know tons of new people. But now I can return to my life. Next thing on my agenda. Grades. Ogh! Have a tremendous Saturday night.

Peace and Blessings.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It has now become true that I am insane. For the following reasons.

I wore my shirt backwards with out even realizing it.
One of my socks was worn inside out.
I could have sworn that I took those pair or pliers out of my backpack, nope, they are still there.
My sweatshirt pocket is full of at least fifty tissues.
Whenever someone is talking to me I have to have them repeat it at least three times.
Sometimes I feel sick.
Then I feel fine.
I fell asleep on my bed last night.
But magically woke up on the floor.
I can't seem to remember anything that has happened five minutes ago.
It took me about three minutes to remember my facebook password.
I fell asleep chewing gum.

Those are some of the very many. If you could please keep a look out for my sanity, and please return it to me. That would be wonderful. Have a magical Thursday.

Peace and Blessings.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I slipped on the ice on my driveway. Great way to end the night. This whole getting home late every night thing is not working out with my body.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

30 minute routine.

I am slowly getting sick. I think that it is due to my lack of sleep. I made a challenge for myself this week, to be in bed by 11:00. I get home at around 10:30 every night after Phantom. Here is what I do in the half hour I have to call my own.

Get home.
Shove dinner down my throat.
Make my bed.
Brush my teeth
Have one minute of relaxation.
Get in bed.
Do homework.
Throw homework at wall in anger.
Blow my nose.
Then fall asleep.

In only a half hour. It's physically impossible, somehow I manage to do it. I am a great investigator and found out who left me that mug on my porch.

Peace and Blessings. (In the process of my 30 minute routine.)

Monday, February 7, 2011


No need to teach me how to Dougie. I already know how. Supposedly I smelled like cinnamon today. I couldn't keep the ladies off of me. Literally. I don't know why I smelled like cinnamon, but I guess I did. And, I guess it's irresistible. So, I was not the only one that received a random mug on my porch. Which makes me even more curious. Dear Mug Leaver, reveal your identity. Please. Have you seen Phantom yet? Then go! What are you waiting for child!? Already saw it? Then go again! I hope your Monday night it wonderful.

Peace and Blessings. (My ski mask hair seems to be a big hit as well. Maybe if I robbed a bank and got caught. I would just take my mask off. And the cops would say "oh you are alright, your hair is cool, we will let you off the hook this once." Yeeeeaaah no.)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


A good read from the big book of Earth never hurt anyone.

I have decided that before I get married, I am going to travel the world. You can't stop me. I washed my ski mask today ( I sound like such a criminal. ) It was getting really bad, but now has the sweet smell of laundry detergent. Did you see Phantom of the opera last week? No? Go see it this week. Words cannot describe this play, you will not want to miss it. Go see it. I do hope your Sunday evening is superb.

Peace and Blessings.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm so confused. I found a mug on my doorstep that says grandpa on it. With a note that reads "Max, you are the best thing that has ever happened in this world. Love your number one fan. P.S put this on your blog." So here I am putting it on my blog. Still very confused.

Ski mask hair? Yep, still doing good.

Peace and Blessings.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Assuming that tonight I will collapse on my bed and not be able to get up. I decided to blog before the show tonight. Once again, go see it! I expect to see you there. I thought today was Wednesday. After Monday, everything was just a blur. I am glad to now know that it is Friday. Slowly losing my sanity is kind of fun. Whenever I say something or do something wrong, I just blame it on my lack of sleep. Or for instance, today I got out of an assignment because I said Phantom takes up so much of my life. Yeah, I could deal with being insane. Well I hope you have a thrilling Friday Night. You know what would make your night thrilling? Going to see Phantom of the Opera.

Peace and Blessings.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My ligaments are not doing what my brain is telling them to do. Also, I found a pair of pliers in my backpack. Yeah, I am slowly going insane.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Expect short posts, until my life is no longer consumed by Phantom. Did I mention you should see it? Well you should. Opening night is tomorrow. Get your tickets ladies and gentleman.