Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today was quite nice. All my classes were actually fun today. Including physics, that's a shocker. We made balloon rockets, my group's totally dominated. Lunch was amazing, I really do love that everyday at lunch I end up laughing so hard I cry. Wonderful. It is because of Elle. What a girl. She doesn't even try to be funny. Then me and Robyn just make fun of her on a daily basis. I am glad that she can handle being made fun of, and not take the wrong way. What a keeper. Sometimes I really wish that everyone did not have a cell phone. I think that most effective way to communicate is face to face, not texting. Texting can be good in some cases. But if you have something to say to someone, just tell it to their face.

Now you see seven year old kids with cell phone's. I wish we could go back the old fashioned way of things. Tomorrow is Friday. Hallelujah! One week closer to Christmas Break. It is now December. Finally. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Not because of the gifts. Actually I could care less about the gifts. I just love the warm feelings and joy it brings to one month out of the year. I love that it doesn't last one day. It lasts all month long. Christmas lights, trees, caroling, sledding, spending time with family. Oh I just love it so much. This holiday season I challenge you to focus on what really matters. Not the gifts. But sharing the spirit of Christmas with someone you love. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday night.

Remember I send Peace and Blessings to you and your family.


sisterwendy said...

great post Max! I am teaching in RS this Sunday and I might just have to use some of your Christmas wisdom in my lesson :) xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

if you take out the -mas, you get the Spirit of Christ.

Olivia Petty said...

you say you wish no one had a cell phone.
and yet.

when I tried to grant you your wish
by accidentally kneeling on your phone,
you got a new one.

this just makes no sense maxwell.