Sunday, November 7, 2010

Underwear drawer.

Thanksgiving Break is in 17 days! But who's counting? This is a break very much needed in my life. Don't get me wrong I love school, just not the whole homework thing. I go for the social aspect. Oh and then I learn. Except for physics. Did I mention I passed first term in that class? Well I did, its still a mystery as too how.... but we'll figure that out some other day. National French Week is this week! How do I know? I'm a French club officer of course. No big deal. Any-who, I am very excited to be selling French pastries, there will be a sweet smell of Belgian waffles throughout the school. Buy some. Its a win win. Money for French club, your tummy is happy. Today in church someone talked about journals and how we should start one, and how there are many different ways to write in a journal. Of course blogging was mentioned, I was very proud inside. Then I started thinking, this is my journal. I want to look back at this one day and see all the wonderful things I have accomplished. And so I set a challenge for myself. Blog EVERY day. Ogh! Can I do it? Pshhh please! I am all over it! So please enjoy my journal, no. no. you do not have to search in my underwear drawer. It is all right in front of you. The Maxi Taxi. So get comfortable, its going to be a long ride.


Unknown said...

are you going to spill the secrets of your soul? I'm so excited. (:

ElleDee said...

this is great.
I gotta step it up.