Sunday, December 12, 2010


Suspenders rule! No need for a belt.

Looking classy.

Christmas Break is almost here. All I have to do is make it through this last week of school. Once I am out of school, let the fun begin. I was pondering on the thought of fun today. I remembered when I was little kid and how much fun I had. Then I realized something. Little kids have it so easy. They are so carefree, Innocent, pure. I wish I was a little kid again. Without the worries of school, friends, family, and everything else that is crazy in my life right now. I wish that I could just re-live one day in my childhood. I am not saying I am an adult but I certainly have grown up. I don't want to grow up anymore. I wish I could slow down time. I wish I could have that carefree felling again. Christmas Break, I only ask one thing of you. That carefree feeling. If you can give me that, I will hold onto it forever.

Peace and Blessings.

1 comment:

Just SO said...

McKenna thought your suspenders ruled as well. (and I did too)